Another soldier in the Army of the Lord gone home... This writing is to notify you of the home-going of Minister T. W. Deere, January 2009. He had been a long time member of The Full Gospel Temple of Prayer, INC. in Toppenish, Washington under the pastorate of Elder Russell and Mother Ernestine Williams. Several years ago he and his wife, Pastor Pearlie Deere, moved away from the Toppenish and Yakima vicinity to Madera, California to be closer to their adult children and their grandchildren. Consequently, Pastor Deere was installed in a work under the auspices of The Full Gospel Temple of Prayer under Apostle Karon Williams. Pastor Pearlie and Minister Deere did a great deal of personal ministry among the people in their community, even though both of them had some serious ongoing health problems. As the years went on, the Deeres were unable to care for themselves physically. SO THEIR MINISTRY WAS LIMITED BECAUSE OF HEALTH PROBLEMS. However, they kept close contact with their relationships they had established with their community. Pastor Pearlie passed away a few days after Pastor Bass in November of 2007. Of course, Brother Deere took his wife's passing very hard. They had been married about 68 years. His health went down after that.
For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power |

During the 1970s, Brother Deere had a very unusual miraculous testimony of how he was saved and healed of cancer after Mother Ernestine Williams was miraculously "TRANSLATED" by the power of the Holy Ghost to where he was stationed at Shemya Air Force Base in Alaska, Mother Williams entered his room where he was lying in bed sick with cancer; she laid her hands on his head and she then she turned around quickly and left the room. He jumped out of bed trying to follow her; but she was gone that fast! How did Mother Williams get on the island of Shemya? He realized something supernatural had taken place. He went to bed that night a sinner that was suffering from cancer. He had an immediate life change. He was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. The Lord healed him instantly of the cancer and closed the wound completely. He had brand new skin where the cancer had been! He looked between the sheets thinking the cancer had fallen off in the bed. He couldn't find a thing. There was no sign of a scab or blood on his body or in his bed to be seen! What was more mind-blowing, was the fact that Mother Williams had been in his room and prayed for him. He saw her and felt her hand touch him. He could describe what she was wearing but could not understand how she got there and how she moved so fast- nowhere to be found. That was the miraculous start of The Full Gospel Temple of Prayer located on the island of Shemya Air Force base in Alaska.
Brother Deere immediately entered his ministry calling and began to testify to the military men located there. He had church services in his room nightly. Some of the airmen got saved and sanctified.
The Lord began to pour out HIS HOLY SPIRIT with signs and wonders, healings and deliverances took place.
He was greatly persecuted about his testimony of being saved and healed from cancer as demonstrated by the work of the Holy Ghost through Mother Williams. Many men opposed him and called him "crazy"; especially about that part where some woman came on the military base. No women were allowed on the base! How did she get on and off the base without going through security? (Oh, she had connections-(SMILE)) Brother Deere asked the Lord to send Mother Williams to the base again. only this time, Brother Deere wanted someone else to see her come and leave the base. He knew he needed another eyewitness that her coming was not his imagination or a dream or a vision; and that he wasn't crazy! He saw her in her real physical body fully dressed in her clothes. He prayed that someone that he had testified to would have a similar experience and see her too. Well, one day soon after that prayer, an airman, Brother Scott saw her come and leave the base! Just like Brother Deere, he tried to run after her as fast as she was running; but he couldn't keep up and then she was suddenly gone-nowhere to be found. Shortly after that incident, Brother Deere and Brother Scott came to a church service at The Full Gospel Temple of Prayer in Yakima while they were on leave. Both of them offered their own testimonies. Mother Williams also gave her testimony from her side of the story; she told detailed accounts about coming to the base giving vivid descriptions of the buildings, how things looked, felt and smelled. When they all got through talking about the supernatural power of God, the Lord poured out His Spirit on the congregation. A mighty rushing wind was present! The Lord did great things for his people that evening. These are some of the remembrances that I have of these precious ones that have gone to be with the Lord. For those of us that are alive and remain- the best is yet to come!
In His service too,